Sample Templates: WORD  

Elvis Emory Simpson - This is a simple, basic eport, along with the planning document from which it was produced.  It was done in WORD as .doc and then saved again as a webpage. 
Talluah Amendia - This is another basic eport that can be
used as a template. It uses words instead of icons
or images for the navigational system.

Planning Document completed for Elvis, as Elvis would have completed it This eport has some different types of artifacts
that might provide some ideas.


Here are the WORD files for this example:
 index (front page),
Here are the WORD files for this example:
index (front page)
page2 (resume)
page3 (additional information)
page4 (artifacts)
page2 (resume),
page3 (about me),
 page4 (artifacts),
and page5 (student involvement)
page5 (community service)
If you want to use one or more of these designs, just open the WORD file and save it into your own folder on your USB or harddrive.

You can develop your own design in WORD. Just remember that using tables holds items where you want them in WORD. Sometimes it takes a little editing or polishing to make the actual webpage look like you want. If you need help at that one, just ask.

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Professional Electronic Portfolios (eports)
Copyright @2006   Barrie Jo Price,   and   Anna C. McFadden
All Rights Reserved