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Electronic Portfolio Planning

Background and General Information on Electronic Portfolio Planning: Planning your basic electronic portfolio begins with some specific considerations and steps. Here is a set of steps ( work being done at Towson University. This shows the steps in the design process that are used at that university.
For our purposes, the general steps apply here, too, beginning with ,  Our general purpose is for you to develop an electronic portfolio for use in the job search process. However, some of you will be applying for Fulbrights, graduate school,  or specific jobs. Therefore you will want to consider the particular variables of your purpose:

  • your goals and
  • the target audience.
  • If you are in a program that has some type of certification or credential process, and you want to use this electronic document as part of your application, be sure here to review that as part of your goal for this document.
    You will need to compile the pieces that you want to include in your portfolio. In the case of CSM 447, you will need your resume, a professional looking photo, an audio file of your interview question, your co-curricular page, and your artifacts.  The biggest decision will relate to what you will include as artifacts.  This link shows what Towson University used on their project.
    Once you have decided precisely what it is that you want to include  , the next step is to decide on the delivery format.  In CSM 447 you will upload your electronic portfolio to the Internet and prepare it as a CD-ROM.  It could take the form of a Power Point, uploaded WORD document, or other forms, such as this list from Towson University shows. Your product will be a web site uploaded and/or saved on a CD-ROM or USB.
    The next step ,, is where you consider the precise way you want the product to look. Creating the layout means selecting a 'look' and a design for the product. In CSM 447, you will have certain requirements for the product, including a means of navigation (icons or words), multiple pages, and such.  You will be using a planning document to complete the planning process. The exact nature of the background, fonts, and other components of the layout will be an individual matter.  It is a good idea to look at as many of the examples as you can and to search for others on the Internet. This will help you decide on the best look for your particular career field.  Also look at the steps or suggestions found in the Towson University document.

    Now you are actually ready to begin building your electronic portfolio. For our purposes here in CSM 447, you use MICROSOFT WORD by means of using the Planning Document you have to prepare FIRST in WORD.  In the 'real world', you could use Internet Explorer, Netscape Composer, Mozilla, Dreamweaver or any other development tool.  However, for our purposes here, the focus is on the planning, so we will keep the technical aspect to a minimum that meets our needs.    One thing that we will NOT include at this point is the reflective component used at Towson University.
    You will start with your planning document done in WORD. That's the first thing you will turn in for Review and Peer Review.

    Once you have your feedback on your WORD version of your first draft of your electronic portfolio (web site), you are ready to actually prepare the first draft of the project.  Once you have your first .html document, take a long hard look at it. You are also ready to have your peers take a look. Have several of your friends and colleagues go through the site ON THEIR OWN COMPUTERS, not on yours. That way you can honestly see what works and what does not; sometimes the files link to your hard drive, deceiving you into thinking the files are working. CHECK THEM ON THE NET FROM ANOTHER COMPUTER!  CSM 447 has a grading rubric that will be used to grade your electronic portfolio. It's a good idea for your peers and friends to use that to grade your product. This usually produces a better product and, thus, a better grade in this class.
    This peer review then should, logically, lead to your final draft, , reflecting the suggestions and comments from the peer review. Finalize your product and you are ready to turn it in for grading.

    Your Specific Planning Steps:
       After you have reviewed all of the steps shown above in the general planning, you are ready to begin the specific planning for your own electronic portfolio.  Below are the specific steps you need to address in planning your electronic portfolio.  By following these steps, you can sequentially plan your product, and, in doing so, save yourself a lot of time when you actually start to develop the electronic portfolio.  Looking at the examples may help you when you are considering the precise design you want to use for portfolio.

    Somewhere in Paris!

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    Electronic Portfolios
    Copyright © 2006  Anna C. McFadden and Barrie Jo Price
    All Rights Reserved