INSTRUCTIONS for making a Course Reader Using Internet Explorer

    1.  If your Favorites or Bookmarks are not showing when you open up IE, then Click on .  You will now see
        your Favorites list on the left side of the screen.

    2.  Click on the Organize Folder 

    3.  Click on Create New Folder 

    4.  Give your new folder a name and then click on close.  In the example below, a CSM 447 Course Reader Folder was

    5.  NOW, you can also create the TOPIC Headings necessary for your Course Reader.  Here's an example of a
         Course Reader with the topics COOKIES and ETHICS, PRIVACY, COPYRIGHT, CENSORING,

        FIRST, go to the first URL that you want to use in your Course Reader.  Click on the ADD Icon under Favorites.

    6.  Next,  you would click on the Folder you created, and in this example the CSM 447 course Reader would be
         selected/highlighted.  Then, click on Create Folder and create your first heading.  See the example below.  There
         is a heading titled Ant-ivirus and then the links about this topic would be below it. The same for Ethics
        Privacy and Safety.

    7.  When you find your other  URLs that you want to use in your course reader, Click on ADD in your Favorites menu
         and  then select the folder/topic where you want the URL to be saved.

    8.  When you get finished with your links for your course reader assignment, Click on File and select Import and

    9.  An Import and Export Wizard will come up.  CLick on Next.  Select Export Favorites and then click on Next.

    10. Select the folder that you created for this assignment.  In this example, the CSM 447 Course Reader Folder was
          selected.  THen click on next.

    11. Click on Export to a File or Address.

    12. Now, click the BROWSE button.  You'll get the following screen.

    13. SELECT the DRIVE and/or Directory you are going to SAVE your Course Reader file and then give your file the
          name that is provided in your course manual.  In this example, CSM447_CR will be the name that we will use to
          save the file.  Now Click on SAVE.

    14. You can now use IE or Netscape to preview your Course Reade.  Below is an example of  the course reader used
           in this tutorial!

    15. If you need to EDIT this file, you can use MS Word to open up this html file.  When finished editing, make certain
          you save the file as a .html file or a Web Page depending on which version of  MS Word you have.