CSM 447 Course Reader Example


What is this Cookie thing on the web?
What are cookies? Do I have to accept them?
What is a cookie?
I Am Concerned about cookies; can I be alerted when I encounter them?
Can Companies "tag" my hard drive and track everything I do online?
How can I get rid of invasive cookies?
Cookie Preferences
How to find out what a cookie contains?
Disable Cookie Warnings
Crumbling Cookies


Education: Dispute Over Student Web Site Sparks Lawsuit
Judge Backs Student Over Web Page
Lawsuit Will Test Boundaries of Student Speech on the Web
Internet Death Threats Lead to Canceled Classes
CNN - Internet watchdog could stop collegiate copycats - November 21, 1999
Online Ethics Should Begin in Classroom, Educators Say
Homework Copycats Prosper on the Net
New Toys for Students Who Cheat

New York Law Journal