Vivitar ViviCam 10 Vivitar Vivicam 10 Tutorial

Setting the Environment to Take Pictures

Using the Flash

Turning the Camera Off

Transferring Pictures to the Computer

Saving the Photo's from your ALBUM to use in other Applications

Deleting Pictures on the Camera

Sample Photos

Setting the Environment to Take Pictures
  1. Turn the camera on by pressing the Power Button Button until it beeps.

LCD Panel

 2.  Press the mode button to cycle through the possible shooting environments (below). You will need to       click three times before you begin to see the environment icon options below.  Once you determine
      the shooting environment, press the "Select" button.
Outdoor Cloudy - Default Setting Indoor Bright
Outdoor Sunny Indoor Dark

3.  Look in the view finder and press the shutter button when you are ready to take your picture.

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Using the Flash

1.  If you need the Flash, use the Mode button to cycle through until you see the Auto Flash mode icon
     below. Press the Select button.
Auto Flash

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Turning the Camera Off

    1.  Press the Power button and hold it until the camera beeps.
    2.  This camera automatically turns itself if inactive for approximately 60 seconds.

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Transferring Pictures to the Computer

    1.  Open the USB compartment and connect your camera to the USB cable that is attached to your
        desktop/laptop computer.  Match the two USB icons.
USB Connection

    2.  Open up the ArcSoft PhotoImpression software.
ArcSoft PhotoImpression

    3.  Click on the Get Photo icon. Get Photo

    4.  Now, Click on Camera/Scanner from the list. Camers/Scanner

    5.  Select the Album title where you want your pictures saved. You can create New Album titles, such
         as Christmas02, Workshop, etc.
Select Album

    6.  Then, Click on the scanner/camera icon. Camera

    7.  The pictures from the camera will show up as thumbnails on the screen as below:
Photo's from Camera

    8.  You can select all of the photos to transfer to the selected album or you can select the specific             photo's you want to transfer to your selected album on your hard drive.

    9.  IF . . . you select Delete All, then the photo's will be deleted from your camera and they will not
        be on your computer unless you've transferred them before you clicked on the Delete ALL button.

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Saving the Photo's from your ALBUM to use in other Applications

    1.  Double -Click on the thumbnail of the picture you want to save and use in another application, such as a PowerPoint or a Web Page.  The full-sized picture will load into the main page.

    2.  Click on the Save As icon. Save As Icon   This option will allow you to save the file with a different
         name, or to a different drive or folder.

    3.  If you Select the Save Icon, this option will overwrite the existing file in your album with new
         changes you've made in the photo editing software.

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Deleting Pictures on the Camera
    Pictures can be deleted from the camera using the (A) ArcSoft Editing Software or (B) they can be
    deleted from the camera by using the Mode button.

    A.  In the ArcSoft PhotoImpression Software, Select the particular pictures you want to delete or
         you can select all of the photo's and then Click the DELETE ALL button.

    B.  To delete all of the pictures on the digital camera press the Mode button until you see:
Delete All ALL
        Press and HOLD the Select button until the camera blinks and the picture counter shows 0,

        To Delete the LAST picture taken, press the Mode button until you see:
Delete All LST

        Press and HOLD the Select button until the camera blinks and the picture counter shows 1 less
         picture count.

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