As you find sites on the Internet that you will think you might want in your course reader, you are going to BOOKMARK them. From there you are going to make your COURSE READER for this course. Here's how you will make it. See the later sections of these instructions about the specific contents. 

IF USING NETSCAPE COMPOSER, here are the instructions:

  1. Write the titles of your categories in Composer leaving room between them.
  2. Open Netscape and look for sites. When a site is found, use copy to copy the address.
  3. Switch to Composer, place the cursor where you want the link to be and click on the Link button.
  4. Type a title name on the first box, and then right click the mouse on the second box and select paste. This will copy the Internet address to the link.
  5. Click on OK. This will put a link on Composer with the title you wrote in the step above.
  6. Write a short description after the link to explain what the link is all about.
  7. Continue doing this process until you have all the requiered links.
  8. When all is done, format the page so it looks professional and easy to read.
  9. Make sure to save your course reader.


When you are saving ALL your files (sounds, webpages, images, etc.), DO NOT USE SPACES OR SYMBOLS IN YOUR FILENAMES. Get used to useing only lowercase letters; this makes all of your file names consistent in format.  Many ISPs, including our own BAMA, are case sensitive, so there is a difference between uppercase and lowercase letters. 

If you use spaces, your files will NOT come up when viewed online. A similar thing happens if the computer is trying to look for a name that has a different case; those files will not appear. 

If you want to put in a space, put in UNDERSCORE instead!  Example: bj_course_reader

IF USING NETSCAPE 4.0 or above, here are the instructions:

  1. Within your bookmark file, you can set up folders. You do this by going to COMMUNICATOR and selecting BOOKMARK.
  2. Then go to EDIT BOOKMARK.
  3. You will set up a folder for the course reader. Name the folder, such as Adolescent Psychology Course Reader, Adaptive Technology Course Reader, or whatever topic you want to use.
  4. Then you can put your bookmarked sites for this course reader in that folder. You do this by dragging the sites around within BOOKMARK. You can copy and have them in two places within your bookmarks, if you wish.
  5. Once you get your sites in the folder like you want them, you will go back to the COMMUNICATOR window, click on BOOKMARKS.
  6. Then go to EDIT BOOKMARKS and select SAVE AS. You will name your file something you recognize as your course reader; for example, health.htm or sped.htm. DO NOT LEAVE IT NAMED BOOKMARK.HTM as it will overwrite what you have already as bookmarks.
  7. Go back to Netscape, go to FILE then OPEN PAGE.
  8. Select the file, whatever you named it, and it will open up under Netscape. You can see the links.
  9. With your file open, go to FILE and select EDIT PAGE.
  10. NOW… to edit out the bookmarks that you DON'T want in your course reader but that are on your new list, you just delete the ones you do not want.
  11. When you have finished, do FILE SAVE.
IF USING NETSCAPE 3.0 or below, here are the instructions.
  1. Within your bookmark file, you can set up folders. You do this by going to WINDOW and selecting BOOKMARK. Then go to ITEM and select INSERT FOLDER.
  2. You will set up a folder for the course reader. Name the folder, such as Adolescent Psychology Course Reader, Adaptive Technology Course Reader, or whatever topic you want to use.
  3. Then you can put your bookmarked sites for this course reader in that folder. You do this by dragging the sites around within BOOKMARK. You can copy and have them in two places within your bookmarks, if you wish.
  4. Once you get your sites in the BOOKMARK folder like you want them, you will go back to the NETSCAPE window, click on BOOKMARKS, then go to SAVE AS. You will name your file something you recognize as your course reader; for example, health.htm or sped.htm. DO NOT LEAVE IT NAMED BOOKMARK.HTM as it will overwrite what you have already as bookmarks.
  5. Go back to Netscape, go to FILE then OPEN FILE. Select the file, whatever you named it, and it will open up under Netscape. You can see the links.
  6. Minimize the netscape screen, with your file open.
  7. NOW… to edit out the bookmarks that you DON'T want in your course reader but that are on your new list, you will open up your word processing package (such as WORD), then go to FILE and do OPEN FILE and open the same file, but this time it will be within your word processing package, not under Netscape.
  8. Next…. With it open under Word Processing, you will see all of the HTML code on the screen. Find the term TITLE up near the top of the screen. There you will see the current title for your file, which is probably your name and the word bookmarks. You want to replace your name and the word bookmarks with whatever you are calling your course reader. For this class, I put AIL 600 Spring 1998 Course Reader. You can put Adaptive Technology Course Reader, XXU 312 course reader, anything you wish.
  9. You will also see something that says <H1>. Typically it will contain the same title (e.g. Barrie's bookmarks or whatever the original bookmark title was). Change this, too, to match whatever you put in the TITLE.
  10. Now… you are ready to look carefully down the listing of the bookmarks. Delete any that you don't want on your final course reader. In other words, you will delete all except the folder you set up for your bookmarks for this activity.
  11. When you are finished deleting what you don't want on your reader, do FILE SAVE, then FILE CLOSE.

  12. Now you can open NETSCAPE BACK UP, click on reload, and you will see your changes, the final course reader. You can make copies of this on floppies to give to people. They can use it by opening Netscape, going to FILE and doing OPEN FILE, selecting your course reader from where you have it saved, and then use the links live on the Internet.
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Copyright © 2001  Barrie Jo Price, George E. Marsh II, and Anna C. McFadden
All Rights Reserved