Course Reader for Ancient History and Mythology

Egyptian History

Life in Ancient Egypt: This site has detailed information about the history of Ancient Egypt as well as a look into chronology is its rulers, the daily life of the people, the Egyptian gods and goddesses, and the funerary customs. It also has teaching resources that can be printed off the page for use in the classroom.

The Seven Wonders: The Lighthouse at Alexandria: This site gives a history of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that was located in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian History: This site gives detailed information of Egyptian history and also includes subjects such as religion, recipes, humor, and pictures. It has a complete list of the pharohs in order and excerts from such works as The Book of the Dead.

Tutankhamun: This site is dedicated to King Tut. It has pictures from his tomb as well as information about his life. It also has info on the origin of his name, and pictures and information about some of the treasures found with him in his tomb.

The Construction of the Pyramids: This site has information about the various types of pyramids that were constructed in Egypt as well as information on how these might have been constructed during ancient times.

Greek History
The Greeks: This site has a timeline and a map for ancient Athens. It also has an interactive page where the student can hear Greek spoken as it would have sounded in ancient times. It also has educational aids for the teacher.

The Ancient Greek World: This site is presented in four major themes. These are Land and Time, Daily Life, Economy, and Religion and Death. Each category is further broken down into various topics for the viewer to look in.

Ships of the Ancient Greeks: This site gives the viewer information on the maritime life of the ancient Greeks. It has drawings of ancient ships such as the trimene and includes linked articles about topics from shipbuilding to trade routes.

The Greek Athletic Games: This site is dedicated to the pan-Hellenic games of the ancient times. It has sections on each of the four main games: the Olympic Games, Pythian Games, Nemean Games, and Isthmian Games.

Ancient Greek Women in Athens: This site tells about the role of women in ancient Greek society. It talks about what women were expected to do and gives details of things that occurred often in the life of the ancient Greek woman.

Roman History

Roman Calendars from Romulus to Julius Caesar: This site traces the history of the Roman calendar using references to Ovid and Plutarch. It also talks about how the months were named.

Rulers of Ancient Rome: This page traces the rulers of Rome from Romulus in 753 B.C. to the end of Roman rule in 541 A.D. It lists the names in Latin form but also provides a page on how to read and pronounce these names.

800 Years of Roman Coinage: This is an article that traces the history of coinage in the Roman empire.

Armamentarivm: This site provides the viewer with a look at the Roman soldier and gives a picture and description of each portion of his uniform and weapons.

Ancient Rome Online: This site provides information on Roman architechure with detailed pictures and information on general or famous buildings. It also provides the viewer with definitions for some Roman words as well as short biographies for some important people in Roman history.

Other Ancient Cultures

Aristotle: On the Constitution of Carthage: This page deals with the government of the Carthage. It is taken from a translation of The Politics of Aristotle. It compares the government of Carthage to that of Sparta and Crete in that they are similar but yet so different from any other ancient governments.

The Minoans: This page gives information on the ancient culture that arose on the island of Crete. It also gives information on their use of the isle of Crete and also about the history of the culture.

The Myceneans: This page gives information on the ancient culture that arose on the Greek mainland. It also provides the reader with a historical outline of events through certain periods in Mycenean history and has information on Mycenean religion.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: This gives information on the Babylonian contribution to the seven wonders of the ancient world. It also provides links to sites that give the history of Babylon. It has several drawings of what the gardens may have looked like.

Etruscan Empire: This site is an essay on the pre-Roman force in Italy, the Etruscans. It traces the Etruscans from the time of their rise to power in the tenth-eleventh century B.C.

Ancient Rulers and Military Leaders

Julius Caesar: This is a short biography of the life of Julius Caesar. He lived from 100-44 B.C. and his rise to power signaled the end of the Roman Republic.

Alexander the Great: This site is dedicated to this empire builder from Macedonia. It is very detailed in describing his life and also includes a timeline from B.C. to A.D. as well as a timeline from Alexander's life.

Ramses II: This site is dedicated to the lengendary Egyptian pharoh. It has a short biography about Ramses and includes a timeline of his accomplishments as well as pictures of some of his works.

Pericles: This site is dedicated to the statesman of Athens who brought about the Golden Age of Athenian democracy. He also was the leader of Athens when such works as the Parthenon and the Temple of Athena Nike were constructed.

Hammurabi: Ruler of ancient Babylon who first unified all the laws of the "old world" Mesopotamia. He made Babylon one of the great cities in the ancient world.

Ancient Artifacts

Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit: This site provides pictures and descriptions of various artifacts from ancient Egypt. It also provides a link for the viewer to take a tour of some of the Egyptian sites from antiquity with pictures and bios about each site.

Çatalhöyük: This site provides information gathered from the ongoing excavation of what might be the world's oldest city. It provides pictures of artifacts found and information about them and their significance.

The Ancient City of Athens: This page is dedicated to the archeological and architectural remains of the ancient city of Athens in Greece. It has a pictures of various sites with short bios about each one.

Paleolithic cave paintings from Lascaux: Pictures from this cave in France of paintings that are an estimated 17,000 years old.

The Great Pyramid at Giza: This site is dedicated to the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops). It also haspictures from other sites such as the Great Sphinx.

Greek Mythology

Gods and Heros: This site has a place where the viewer can select any one of a number of Greek gods and goddess and be transported to a bio of that god or goddess.

The Greek Pantheon: This site gives a history of the Greek gods and goddesses and also gives an essay about the ancient Greek belief about the creation of the world.

The Trojan War: This site gives information about the Trojan War which is a big event in Greek mythology. It gives reasons for the war as well as info about the events as they happened.

Stories from the Greek Myths: This site provides five stories from Greek mythology. It has: The Creation; The creation of man by Prometheus; Zeus's lovers; Birth of Athena; The wonderings of Dionysus.

The Olympian Gods: This site provides the viewer with images and texts on fifteen Greek gods and goddesses.

Roman Mythology

The Roman Gods and Goddesses: This site gives us a look at eight Roman gods and goddesses. It also provides a table that shows all the Roman gods and goddesses with their Greek predecessors.

Roman Mythology: This gives a short look at what each Roman god or goddess did. For example...Vesta (goddess of the hearth). It also has a biography on some of the gods and goddesses.

Mythology of Rome: This site give the viewer a picture of not just Roman mythology but also many other groups. Each god and goddess is labeled with a description and some of them have pictures.

Roman Mythology Today: This is an interactive site that can help one with research for reports or other projects. It has information about the Roman pantheon as well as many other aspects of Roman life.

The Legend of Romulus and Remus: This page gives a short summary of the story about how the city of Rome was founded and also gives links to a page about Roman mythology.

Created by Whitt Jones