Course Reader on Anti-Virus Programs
Disclaimer: Every effort is made to see that these links are current and active; however, the Internet is dynamic, meaning changes occur!


A Software Review of McAfee Office Suite
Several years ago, vendors like Microsoft, Corel, and Lotus decided to bundle various applications into integrated " Suites" . Utility vendors have seen the wisdom in this and are hitching a ride on that bandwagon.
McAfee VirusScan 6.0 Review
This well-known product claims 50 million users world-wide, a figure helped, no doubt, by its availability as shareware, but undoubtedly maintained by its quality and reliability.
Norton Anti-Virus 2000
The recent spate of scripting viruses, including the notorious ILOVEYOU virus, has been a stark reminder of the importance of protecting your PC from external attack. Symantec's Norton Anti-Virus is one of the most well-known anti-virus packages, and with the newly released NAV 2000 version 6, it now covers all flavors of Windows from 3.1 to Windows 95/98, Windows NT and 2000. No doubt a version is on the way for Windows Millennium Edition too.
Slashdot | Ask Slashdot | Who is Responsible? The Developer? The User?
Anonymous Coward II asks: "I am working on a paper for a computer ethics course, and need to answer the following question: Who must be held responsible: The person that develops a software that will (or can) be used to illegal ends (like to break into a...
Hilltop Associates - How to spot a virus hoax
Small business & personal web site design, PC consulting, electronic publishing, technical writing & Y2K services with a site that includes information on spotting a hoax
Zone Labs, Internet security products, online safety, software, protection
Zone Labs is a software technology company dedicated to providing leading Internet products enabling safe and productive use of the Internet
Zone Alarm Review
The high speed capabilities of the cable modem and the many new uses for the Internet have raised valid security questions. The purpose of the Firewall is to block access to your local network or machine except to programs you authorize.
Sample Course Readers  emTech Consulting
Copyright © 2001  Barrie Jo Price, George E. Marsh II, and Anna C. McFadden
All Rights Reserved