This is part of the emTech Presentation Series, designed to provide information about the topic with clear application actions the audience might try when they return to the classroom after the presentation. This presentation is an excellent way to begin the year, kick-off a year of self-study, set the tone for curriculum revision, and/or initiate a refocusing of the educational community as part of school reform and redesign.

Target Audience: Educators, USA & International Schools; presentations can be tailored for a specific group (e.g. school board, school-community leaders or planning council, faculty, parents and/or administrators).

Purpose: To provide clear examples of how technology is impacting what, how, why and when we learn, with the underlying emphasis being two-fold: 1) to present change in the educational arena in a positive and encouraging context, and 2) to suggest specific individual and group actions and activities for the group and the students for whom they have responsibility.

Expected Outcomes: Audience will leave with an awareness of specific ways in which technology is changing education and the implications for educators, along with some specific suggestions and ideas for how teachers, parents, and students can participate in the change and identify the positive benefits for all.

General Overview: emTech consultants use a high-energy, fast paced presentation, using POWER POINT presentation media to showcase technology in our every day lives and in education. The foundation of the presentation is comprised of everyday events, examined as they occurred "in the olden days" and how they compare to today's events and activities. The tenor of the presentation has been described by audience members as "light-hearted", "humorous", and "non-threatening but thought provoking".

Approximate Duration: 45 minutes to 1.5 hours

Physical Requirements: Room appropriate for presentation, with overhead projector and screen. Presenters provide LCD panel & notebook computer for presentation media, including sound and video.

Presentation References: Individuals and/or organizations familiar with this presentation are:

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)

         Ambrit Academy, Rome, Italy
         Bernard Mullane, Director 

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