Presenters: emTech Consulting
Dr. Barrie Jo Price email:
Dr. George E. Marsh II email:
The University of Alabama, Instructional Technology
Beverly Ray email:
Jon Paul Campbell email:
American School of Milan, Milan, Italy
Stephen Druggan, Director of Technology email:
American Overseas School, Rome, Italy
Geoff Miller, Technology Program email:
Robert Hampton, Technology Program
Monday, April 26, 1999 DAY 1
9:00-9:30 Overview of the Workshop; How to find the materials on the Net
9:30-10:30 Plenary Session I: emTech Why Your Students Need Technology
10:30-11:30 Small Group Session 1
Group A: An Overview of Linux Email (Beverly Ray)
Group B: Looking at Technology Plans (Jon Paul Campbell)
Group C: Clickbook: A Tool for Teacher (Cheap & Easy!) (emTech)
Group D: Using "Robolab", a success story (Stephen Druggan)
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-1:00 Plenary
Session 2A: "Tips" for Building A Network in Southern Europe (Stephen Druggan)
with 1:00-1:30
Roundtable discussion, with questions from the audience: Dr. Mcfadden,
Mr. Druggan and Mr. Campbell.
3:00-4:00 Small Group Session 2
Group A: How to Have NetDay in your School (Jon Paul Campbell)
Group B: How to Make a Course Reader (Beverly Ray)
Group C: Using a Digital Camera for Instruction (emTech)
Group D: Introduction to Computers I (Geoff Miller & Robert Hampton)
4:00-5:00 Small Group Session 3
Group A: Online Internet Projects for Students (Beverly Ray)
Group B: Integrating Virtual Fieldtrips (Jon Paul Campbell)
Group C: How to conduct more effective internet searches and save links
Group D: Staff Development: Suggestions (Stephen Druggan)
Group E: Intro to Computers II (Geoff Miller & Robert Hampton)
Tuesday, April 27, 1999 DAY 2
9:00-9:15 Q&A about Day 1
9:15-10:30 Plenary Session 3 The Luddites:How to Answer Their Concerns About Students and Technology (emTech)
10:30-11:30 Small Group Session 4
Group A: More on Networks … for beginners! (Jon Paul Campbell)
Group B: Examples of Students' Hyperstudio Projects and how to put
student work on the Net as Hyperstudio files (emTech)
Group C: Using The Vernier Lab Softare for IB Math & IB Physics
(Stephen Druggan)
Group D: Getting Software from the Internet (Beverly Ray)
Group E: Intro to Computers III (Geoff Miller & Robert Hampton)
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-1:00 Small Group Session 5
Group A: Using WinCopy and Present: Basic Tools (Beverly Ray)
Group B: MAIS PLACE, Online Resource for Professional Development (emTech)
Group C: How to put a Signature File on email & some Email Projects
for Students (Jon Paul Campbell)
Group D: Introduction to Computer IV (Geoff Miller)
1:00-2:00 Plenary Session 4: PANEL DISCUSSION
2:00-3:00 LUNCH
3:00-4:00 Session 4 (we will repeat 3 or 4 sessions here with the highest demand for repeated sessions and/or substitute sessions of interest or use this period for Plenary Session 5 and then 4-5:00 will be Q&A. OR…. other topics we can take up now as a big group:
![]() |
![]() Beverly |
![]() Jon Paul |
![]() Geoff |
![]() |
![]() Anna |
![]() Barrie Jo |
The MAIS Place, Clearinghouse for Professional Development
The site contains a wide range of materials and is the best "jumping
off" place for planning professional development. The MAIS PLACE, developed
and supported by the Mediterranean Association of International Schools,
Ms. Reina O'Hale, Executive Director, is intended to support educators
worldwide in their quest to find professional development materials and
The Family Education Network
This is a great site for all educators to share with parents. It's
a good place to go to find materials for your monthly newsletters, PTA
meetings, and any parent education you might wish to support.
Aunt Annie
This is great for craft projects; check, too,
The Source from ISS
This is an online journal specifically for overseas educators, published
online quarterly. The topics for this year's issues have been engaged learning,
environments for learning, student as research scholar and the upcoming
spring issue will feature professional development. Although new, it is
growing in readership with submissions from overseas educators It is supported
by ISS, Princeton, NJ.
Documents in the News
This site, supported by The University of Michigan, is very useful
in tracking and reading around specific topics. Documents from the news
are logged and archived, going back to 1995.
emTech Consulting
Obviously we believe that our own homepage for emTech Consulting, with
its 6000+ links for educators worldwide, should be at the top of your list
but felt it was too immodest to put it on the list! It was set up initially
to aid educators overseas in their quest for resources on the net!
Amazon Bookstore Online
The best possible way to remain current overseas is to read on the
Internet. However, there are still those among us who want or NEED a book
now and then (and I am one of the most needy). Therefore, being able to
get materials online, even if you are ordering in "real print", is a blessing
for overseas professionals trying to remain current. There are other online
bookstores; this is only one.
The New York Times Learning Network
The banner for this site says, "Connections for Students, Teachers
and Parents. It has lesson plans, maps, other resources, photos, stories,
and much, much more. There are product reviews for parents, book reviews,
and other teaching resources. It is not a requirement that the user subscribe
to the printed NY Times. You may have to subscribe to the online Times,
but it is free.
The Global School House Network
This is a great site for parents and teachers. It features great cooperative
projects and free materials. This is the same group that does the great
video tapes with NASA to introduce the internet.
Overseas Schools Internet In-Sites
This is an online newsletter for technology personnel in overseas schools.
It is published monthly, September to May, and features links to resources
on networking, curriculum integration of technology, multimedia, conferences
and other topics of interest in the area of technology.